Building block toys purchase considerationsTime of issue : 2019- 11-07
How to disinfect building blocks toys
1, to educate the baby to keep clean during the process of playing toys, such as not holding dirty toys, do not put the toys in a dirty place.
2. For those toys -
Pay attention to these details of buying toysTime of issue : 2019- 11-07
1. The toy should clearly indicate the manufacturer's name, address, telephone number, registration number, place of manufacture, age of use, mode of use, precautions
2. Toys painted in color should -
What should I consider when choosing a toy for my baby?Time of issue : 2019- 11-07
A few days ago, the baby was full of three months, thinking about buying a gift for the baby, so I went to the pregnant baby shop for a long time and found that there are few toys suitable for three m
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